Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Anonymous said...

I used to wax my top lip and chin at home and at the same time apply an index finger of wax to my nostrils too - as beastly as nasal hair is on men its way, way worse on a lady! - it hurt like nothing on earth, but in a strangely satisfying way! Since switching to shaving top lip and chin (still not entirely sure this is ideal but it is quick and cheap) I sneak a turn out of OH's hygenic nose & ear trimmer device for my nostrils now. So far no hair in ears, long may this continue, or I might just give up all pretence and live life as a man!

Wildthyme said...

NO and a bit more NO. My bloke tried tweezing out one hair that was poking out of his nose and the screams were out of this world. I dread to think what the screaming would be like if he waxed his entire nostrils!

Dani @ My Make-up and Beauty Obsession! said...

Ouch! I would not fancy trying this out. The hairs are there to keep dust and dirt out of your nose. I'd hate to think what it would feel like with nothing left! xx

Unknown said...

I hope that my nose hair isn't bad enough to have to control it!

saby said...

You don't wax the whole nostril, just the outer edge, where the hairs...stick's nasty to see a woman up close with a hairy nose ! I wax there :-)

Han said...

This is gross. Your nose hairs are not usually visible so why bother? Also, I've heard that when you lose your nose hair (i.e from chemo) it gives you a runny nose as there's nothing inside for the snot (ew) to catch onto. Not a good look and a ridiculous extension of our obsession with body hair.

Unknown said...

Nose hair doesn't stop germs. lol It stops dust from travelling into your lungs.

As gross as it sounds: the older you get, the more your nose grows,and you need longer nose hair to capture stuff from the surface.

There's no harm in trimming nose hair, except you'll get a LOT more dust into your lungs, especially in a city.

And if you trim too much... your body will retaliate by producing excess mucus to capture the dust.

Linda said...

Oh god no, if the day ever came where my nose hair became a problem i'd just trim them, no way in hell I could wax there.

Charlene said...

YIKES! I'd be far too scared to even consider doing this!

Anonymous said...

On one hand I think, 'Lord, is no part of our body good enough as it is?!' But we all know protruding nasal hair is not a great look.

As far as keeping germs out, hairs will not do this but they help reduce dust and flies etc being inhaled.

Marketing departments will keep pushing this kind of stuff for as long as women keep lapping it up I guess.

Unknown said...

I've plucked a few out before and it hurts!! I could imagine how painful ripping all of them out in one go would be!

I'm out. I'll stick you my Philips nose hair trimmers I think.

Tass said...

Im still in my 20s and have no need to trim my nose hair and hope I never have to so I find the idea of this a bit ridiculous. I don't think all the magazine images of models without nasal hair really helps either. Unless it's sticking out, leave it alone it's there for a reason! x

Unknown said...

I've pulled a couple of hairs out on the very rare occasion that I get an infected follicle (I'm weird, it happens) and it hurts like a bitch! Not necessary to wax and yes, hair is there for a reason!! Can we all just accept our bodies s bit more??

GreatSheElephant said...

I pluck the occasional one that sticks out but no way am I putting wax up there - I don't want to glue my nostrils shut, even temporarily.

Sascha - Beauty Geek said...

Hell no! When I have a cold and I'm constantly blowing my nose, I end up tweezing off any dry skin that appears around my nostrils (lovely bit of imagery there for you - ever wondered how I like to spend my evenings? There's your answer) and occasionally I get a hair caught in the tweezers and the PAIN MAKES ME CRY. The fact that this pain is now marketable is astounding.

We put hot wax on our lady parts and rip out the hair from there; I think we're doing enough xx

Unknown said...

If the time comes where it needed to be done, I'd do it. This treatment has been available in the professional waxing world for a while now. I think it's great they've made it more accessible. Would err on the side of caution though as it's really only the visible ones that need to touched, if you can't see 'em, leave 'em ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow, this sounds very painful... Don't think it's necessary.

liloo said...

not in a million years. ever ever.
liloo/@tsunimee xx