Wednesday 25 May 2011


ihavemostlybeen said...

Wow what an in depth review! Have never worn false lashes but daughter does and they really can add instant glamour, but I know she has commented that those with rigid lashlines are much harder to use than more flexible ones. Great review Liloo.

jaljen said...

The criss cross looked way the best to me but I've never been tempted by false lashes. Too much of a faff.

Anonymous said...

Great helpful review but not for me, unfortunately one is a product of the decade one was brought up in ie for the the '70s and after seeing my mum's discarded false eyelashes lying abandoned on the sofa like the proverbial spider, I cannot cannot get that image out of my mind. I do think though that beautiful brown eyes with amazingly shaped eyebrows give you a flying start Liloo. Jan x

britishbeautyblogger said...

Liloo does the best reviews!

Lori said...

oooh I love lashes, I haven't tried the Japonesque ones yet but I might give them a go at some point. I have a few that look like the "fluttery tail of a bird" ones and I really love wearing them they are so flattering and give the illusion of long luscious lashes without looking too un-natural.

Great guest post Liloo
