Sunday 28 October 2012


Unknown said...

Definitely tablets and drinks are not the way to go. In fact I think they probably make things worse for people in the long run.
A healthy & balanced diet mixed with exercise is the only answer for long term weight lose and keeping it off.
It's hard work and that's why some people turn to a 'easy option' or 'quick fix' :(

Sam said...

Best diet I've ever tried is the Dukan. Lost 5kg in 6 weeks, have taken a 2 week break and put nothing back on. Another 2kg and I'm done.
Can eat as much as I like so never hungry. Never have mood swings or sugar lows. Get my sweet fixes from stevia sweetened cheese or yogurt puddings, 3 bran muffins a day, pancakes etc. Shiritaki noodles bulk up my bolognese and I can eat veg every other day (on top of daily gogi berries and tomatoes).
Healthiest I've ever been. And my skin... must be all that collagen!!!
The best thing is knowing that after the diet is completed I only have to do 1 day a week protein and I can eat whatever I want the rest of the week.
I am 5ft 8, weighed 66kg, now weigh 61kg and am aiming for 59kg.

Unknown said...

I too don't own scales and I think I am a better person for it! I dont obseess about my weight and I have adopted the mindset that calories dont exist; if I want some chocolate I wont' spend an hour deliberating about the amount of calories I eat, I will just eat it. Moving to Cyprus showed me a whole new way of eating; everything is fresh, lots of olive oil, grains and pulses and fresh fish. My body seems to agree with this diet but by no means do I eat healthy; pastries at every hour of the day prove it. I think as long as your clothes fit the way you want them to, there is no need to waste your energy on worry about it.

Claire (The Beauty Scoop) said...

I would never do any faddy weight loss diets/supplements etc. I honestly believe that changing how you view food and eating healthily will achieve the results, and in a way that allows you to maintain the weight/inch loss.

There's no need to cut out absolutely everything you love and desire either, allow your self a day each week where you can eat the things you crave and the cravings should reduce. x

Happy Bubble Gal said...

Great post :)

Erin said...

I think that's an excellent point you make, about beauty and weight being entirely unrelated. So many people mix them up - it's about feeling beautiful in your own skin, no matter what size you are. I'm like you, I don't own any scales and judge if I'm at a good weight by how I look in the mirror and how clothes sit on me. Everyone's perfect weight is different, there is no right or wrong.

- Erin xo - One girl's attempt at creating 365 different make-up looks in as many days

faye said...

I agree with a couple of the commenters who say that a long term healthy diet and regular exercise is the way to go. Faddy iets may help you to lose weight in the short term but they aren't suitable for keeping the weight off. I've been thinking a lot about my diet recently. Not for weight issues though but to stop the lethargic feeling I've been experiencing lately. Weight wise I'm one of the strange ones (it seems) who is happy with her weight. I battled for ten years to gain weight but hit 30 and gained 10kg and I couldn't be happier.

Sorry for the essay!

Alison said...

I like that you take the French approach to weight-loss, that is going by how your clothes feel rather than obsessing about a dress size or numbers on a scale.

I find the same method works for me as well. I know when I've been eating too much bread or sweets. Both my downfall. The evidence shows up pretty quick. So I cut back and my clothes fit better.

At my age, its generally expected that you will gain weight easier and have more trouble getting rid of it, so I'm diligent, but I don't deprive myself.


Unknown said...

You're right! We live in a world obsessed with large portions full of carbs and high in sugar. It's so hard to even get in the right mindset isn't it?

Best of luck with the weight loss. I need some willpower on that front!

Rosemary Sandiford said...

I have been using skinny sprinkles lately, they are a diet aid a drink that makes you feel fuller and gives you energy. I'm doing a giveaway if you want to check it out

Sami said...

It sounds like you have quite a good diet. I've been trying to cut down on wheat but it's soooo hard... Too much temptation!

Tanarra said...

I agree that there is no miracle way to lose weight. It takes a number of factors. Multivitamins (following the suggested usage) is a good way of cutting back cravings. I've always figured that if I'm graving something, there's usually a vitamin or mineral that I've missed in my meals that day. Also, eat slowly, chew and savour, even if you're short on time. Digestion-wise, it takes about 10 minutes for your food to go down to your stomach. That is why when you pack it all down as fast as you can, your stomach feels bloated afterwards. If you take your time, you will feel full when you're supposed to feel full, not when there's an avalanche food has hit down. Drinking water at room temperature is also a great way of cutting cravings, which might be a signal from your body that you want water. Only drink when thirsty or else you will get hungry because you're flooding your body to want sodium. At a warm temperature, your body isn't burning too much energy to warm the water up to the proper temperature. There's also increasing daily activity while you're doing all this.

Anonymous said...

You need to eat more regularly 4 to 5 small means daily the above is not healthy

siddsy said...

Really informative and exciting post, on my way to discover 'Bircher ' as we speak. Just thought I'd add that I do own scales. I lived my life a long time with the ethos of avoiding and going by clothes, but because I'm tall, a stone and a half crept on. With scales, once a week or so, I can monitor much more carefully. I'm lucky that I really can't be bothered to step on them more often, way to busy!