Monday, 9 January 2012


Anonymous said...

Oh, boo Colin. He's so sensible. I want a vitamin bath! (I do love Colin's blog.)

These sound good though, I do like a good supplement, particularly during winter when I'm a bit more blah.

Unknown said...

I've just ordered the Femergy and the Menergy for myself and the other half, I could do with something to get me through that afternoon slump. Wouldn't life be so much easier if we could just jump in a Vitamin infused bath though!! Jude xx @jadlgw

Sami said...

I really need this to bat away mid afternoon fatigue! Although, like you I always end up forgetting to take them most days... A colleague of mine sets an alarmon her phone to remind her to take Perfectil... Might need to give that a go

beautywoome said...

I would kill for another way to take vitamins other than supplements which, even when I'm my most diligent, I only remember to take about 50% of the time... if a vitamin bath wouldn't work I suppose that means that vitamin patches wouldn't either!? Ho hum....