Wednesday 11 January 2012


Alice at SuperGorgeous said...

I've got very hooded lids naturally so am always interested in things like this - if it works, it sounds fabulous! Very envious that you got to give it a go! x

liloo said...

love the sound of the treatment and most importantly loved the sound of your practitioner. He really sounds like he knows what he's doing. Omg can't believe i once considered permanent fillers eeek.
cant wait to read about your thoughts in a few days' time.

cicaplast: a name we should remember? what is it? x

Jamilla Camel said...

oooh! I can't wait to see the before and after!

Mia said...

I've had this done all around my eyes, a couple of times. And on my whole face a couple of times too, in the hopes of refining my large pores a bit. It does hurt and the healing is uncomfortable; the skin gets hard and brown and then peels off. You have to keep yourself "greased up" or the skin cracks too soon.

I hope your results are better than mine, because I really didn't feel that it accomplished much. I suppose it's all cumulative, though, and that all the little "tweaks" have helped overall (I've also had a couple of Peleve treatments around the eyes in the past few months). I do look considerable younger than most people my age. Just not as young as I would like!!

Trimperley said...

Have been reading newest post to oldest. Hope it all feels better soon.

beauty-laser said...

This sounds really interesting - my eyes are falling down my face in an imitation of Clement Freud! I can't wait to hear how you get on.

fourteen 10 said...

I have heard the CO2RE has has some good results. As for permanent fillers, they are an unusual choice for any patient just wanting to fill the odd wrinkle, so would always be sceptical of a practitioner offering them above a non-permanent option. At least any adverse reactions with an HA filler can be treated with hyaluronidase, however HAs are generally well tolerated.

Unknown said...

I met Dr. Ariel, and he explained everything about the CO2RE, I have deep acne scars and he made a lazer test, So Im really looking forward for next week, when im gonna do it!By the way, he's a very professional, and knows exactly what he's talking about!