Wednesday 7 January 2009


Jessica Teas (née Gearhart) said...

How cool. Love it. Why not... you can get everything else in a vending machine. I'm linking to this post.

Anonymous said...

Its a great concept and it looks amazing...but really not sure why anyone would want to purchase a beauty product from a vending machine? Surely you can get instant gratification from the beauty counter and a nice bag to go with!! Think this is a daft idea..especially in a store that aready has an awesome beauty department...might make more sense at a railway station. Although I would still prefer a Kit Kat!

britishbeautyblogger said...

This comment really made me laugh so thank you for sending it; I get what you mean about no nice bag but some people will go to any lengths to avoid the counter experience - hence the upsurge in on-line beauty stores. And if you put to me the choice of a kit-kat or a face mask, I would also probably go for the kit-kat! BBBX

Beth said...

This is very cool, hope they arrive in England soon!