Friday 23 May 2008


Social Scientist said...

I am not sure it is a pointless study, except that its finding has already been reported in scientific papers before.

Just because it seems obvious that wrinkles make you look older, that doesn't necessarily make it true.

It used to be thought that symmetrical faces were more beautiful but we now know that isn't true...

britishbeautyblogger said...

Hi there - thanks for your comments. I saw a woman the other day who literally had no wrinkles - she must have take sun protection very seriously all her life - and yet curiously she still looked old; I reckoned in her 70's or so. So possibly the reverse is also true. And then there are those legions of women (and men) where you just can't guess to the nearest 10 years how old they are. So you are right; the obvious very often isnt. BBBX

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