Thursday 10 September 2009


Unknown said...

I agree. My motto is buy pink if you need pink. If you were already planning on buying that item, why not buy it pink? But the best way to support the cause is to donate direct - whether it's time or money or something else entirely.

Tass said...

I never really thought about it like that. Thanks for the interesting insight

Anonymous said...

Hear it from the inside realms of someone that knows... these corporate beauty machines have definetely jumped on the commercial bandwagon and have made us think that they are "giving something back"... blah blah blah, it is just a ploy to increase sales in the month of October and look good in the process. In practice whilst these companies are seen to be giving what looks generous the consumer is ultimately lining the pockets of the top dogs!

Instead beauty companies should really do more to show their support by handing over all profits made for that particular pink product!!

Ali said...

Well said.


OxfordJasmine said...

Bravo and thank you for posting this, I was just looking at some nail polishes for £20 where £3 went to Breast Cancer, I think I'll just £20 directly as I have enough nail polish!

Becky said...

I've thought about this issue once or twice, but never really sat down and really worked out the details, so a huge thankyou for posting this.

I, like OxfordJasmine, would just prefer to give the £20 directly to the charity.

I do like MAC's system for the Viva Glam line, 100% of the sale price goes to their HIV charity.

Vonvon said...

Very well-written. In fact, it does not only happen to this Breast Cancer Awareness month, but also many other so-called charity fund-raising. The charities don't always get the full amount that we paid for a product sold for its purpose.

amber_j said...

Great post. This has bugged me for years. I only buy products that give 100% of proceeds, otherwise I just give direct to the charity in question.

In Between Days said...

Great article BBB. There's definitely more that could be done.

However, it is fair to say that the brands do raise awareness of a very important cause, reaching out to thousands pf people that might otherwise be oblivious to the charity's plight. So whilst the charity might not profit too much from the beauty brands involvement, they may well benefit in the long term through an increased consumer awareness. These consumers may then choose to donate directly to the charity. Here's hoping this is what happens as its a fantastic cause and perhaps the brands might also decide to become a bit more generous with their donations!

Scarie said...

Here's a link to an IRish website which gives the details of what's out there for BReast Cancer Awareness month and what percentage goes to the charity

The best has to be Bobbi Brown-Pink Ribbon Collection, costs 40 euro and of that 40 euro goes directly to Irish cancer charities