Tuesday 5 January 2010


Unknown said...

Bravo to Diary for offering to change their practice when placing their client's internship advertisements. It may be a small step, but having such an influential organisation not only showing their views on this situation but taking practical steps towards doing something about it, is a massive encouragement.

Also want to say a huge thanks BBB for voicing your opinion on this! As many other people commented earlier, it means a lot to hear someone so established say these long unpaid internships just aint right.

mizzworthy said...

Just to echo what DINKY says really - so pleased that Diary have taken these comments on board, and are considering reviewing their policies... And great that this issue has been raised in the first place...

Lydia said...

That is a really positive piece of feedback, and thank you for raising such an important issue. I know a couple of friends who did internships at PR companies (years ago,) but in each case the 'free' period was less than a month. Stringing it out any longer just isn't right.

Lina said...

Brilliant! Well done, BBB. If they atleast pay for expenses, that's a start. Makes it defintely more widely accessible for everyone, not just the privileged - at least their not out of pocket by working there. Not earning money, but not out of pocket. A small start but massively better than nothing. xx

Anonymous said...

AT LONG LAST! There is no other word for free internships than EXPLOITATION! Those who are willing to work hard and prove their worth are in a sense, punished not rewarded.

Having been to University, interned at many magazines and PR companies (all for free) I was rendered pennyless and depressed. Oh, no support from the government either. Want to do an internship as a means to maybe secure a job? Well, it simply won't happen. In my opinion that is the essence of actively looking for work. But if you were to stay at home and watch day time tv all week you would be granted job seekers allowance. Crazy.

If an intern is doing a job PAY THEM!

Unknown said...

I'm not British, but the same thing happens in the States, and I'm touched by Diary's response to your comments. The thought of hard-working young adults (or simply adults) emerging into the big, wide world just to find that companies are only ready to use and abuse them is a horrifying one. I'm new to your blog, but I find this conversation quite compelling. Keep asking the hard questions, BBB. It's not just the answers that are important--it's changes like this that you can initiate in the world. Brava!