Tuesday 4 December 2012


Louise @ The-Beauty-Pages.com said...

This is really interesting... It's in a different league, but I've been taking Bassets Soft & Chewy Daily Energiser vitamins for a few months now (as I have an 8-month old and am up several times a night, most nights). They are packed with B Vitamins (B2, B5, B6, B12) plus CoQ10. I am convinced they have made a difference to how I feel during the day - and my husband swears by them, he says he feels like a different person since we started taking them.
I am sure it took a few weeks to have an effect for us - so if you need a quick boost, I can imagine the injection is even more effective (also imagine it's in more concentrated levels). Much more expensive though, I think I'd rather pop a pill every day.

Eileen said...

I have a magnesium infusion once a month to help keep my severe and chronic migraines manageable. It is not a cure and should I discontinue the infusions, the migraines would return to their usual level of frequency and severity. I would imagine the same would be true of the vitamin infusions. Unless you've found a way to maintain the level of nutrients your body needs, you'll begin feeling weak again so it is important to understand the underlying causes of your lack of energy.

Strawberry Blonde Beauty said...

Oh I must pick some of those up Louise!

Jane I had kinesiology a few times & it affected me quite deeply, mostly emotionally - and I'm quite cynical about that kind of thing too. Love to hear if you think there was any effect in the end.

Nic x