Friday 23 November 2012


Marian Newman said...

Isn't that concrete?

Unknown said...

Am I the only person who thinks these look like some scrumpled up clingfilm has been pushed into nearly dry polish?
I'm not a big fan of nail "effects". Polish is lovely but just a plain glossy finish is best, in my opinion. The rest just seems to be a bit of a case of the emperor's new clothes.

Anitacska said...

Not for me.

Emma said...

Definitely not a look I'd go for personally but then I really don't wear any leather unless it's on my dolly shoes. I'm not so keen on tan leather either, so not really a winner in my books. I can see the appeal to those who are leather-lovers, though. xx

britishbeautyblogger said...

Marian: unless they stuck concrete formula in a leather bottle?? it says leather and has a leather lid.. but now you say it... but it is close to the lid texture so I went on that.