Wednesday 9 March 2011


Anonymous said...

Lasts a year? That's better than Botox isn't it. I suppose depending on what your discomfort threshold is, it sounds like a fab treatment.

Mrs D said...

at 49 I'm now thinking about this and I will now look into this further as I just feel like I want to look like I've been on a good holiday not some shiny freak - sadly most women my age were the first adopters of Botox and are now addicts and the original pillow faces - I'm the only one who shows emotion !

My Autistic Adventure said...

Sounds fab. I had to scroll past the pics so fast though and I doubt I'll ever be able to afford it even if I could see past the injections in your face thing!

I would love to though. I think I'd be more prepared to try forehead first, it strikes me as less scary for some reason!

Holly said...

The bit between your nose and top lip is called the philtrum :)

Anonymous said...

Hi BBB, absolutely love love love your blog! Read it regularly and trust it a lot- its my beauty bible! However reading this post and the previous one about your cheek sculpting, and knowing that you have Botox done regularly, i just wondered what your true motives are for undergoing these treatments which seem quite harsh? Are the beauty lotions and potions not enough for retaining our natural beauty? Do you feel they are more effective alongside these sorts of treatments? I just hope you know that you can be completely and utterly beautiful without undergoing said treatments!
Anyway i was just genuinely curious, completely understand if you don't want to post this comment on the wall - its not meant as an attack to your blog though! all the best :)

britishbeautyblogger said...

Hi Anon..glad you enjoy BBB! As a brief answer to the valid points you raise, partially it's curiosity to see just what these treatments can do (I've never had jawline contouring before) and I suppose also it is a form of vanity. However, I'm all about a 'natural' look so never have anything severe and to be honest, as I have said quite regularly there is nothing that gives a botox-like effect better than botox! It's a different sphere of beauty treatments not comparable really with facials or products. While I'm still a beauty writer, I will continue to be experimental, but once I move on?...who knows! I'll probably never go near a needle again!

Anonymous said...

Ouch !!! I just can't handle pain !

Unknown said...

OMG gross gross gross lol. Just put me off me blueberries and yoghurt!!

Alex T said...

I cannot believe that you can put yourself through this! I literally want to vomit at the thought of someone sticking needles in my face. If it gets results then fantastic but personally I just don't think I could handle it without a general anaesthetic. Give me a jar of face cream any day!

Elsie Barley said...

You really are very brave - I don't think I could do it and I am not sure that I care enough about how I look, although maybe I should!

Anonymous said...

He's quite fab, isn't he? I've been using the new products and love them, especially the mask.